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Qld Flood Relief 2022

The recent flooding in Queensland and New South Wales has had devastating impacts on the affected communities. While the loss of homes and possessions is particularly awful, damage to schools, libraries and other community services have also been widely...

Books to the North

Books to the North 2021

The current pandemic is having a restrictive effect on many northern communities with compulsory stay at home requirements. (Many families have not allowed to leave their general area). Schools and communities are especially affected and it is often impossible...

ALF Merch Shop

You can now show your support for the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation by buying some ALF gear at our new online shop. As well as our ever popular greeting cards, you can now by shirts, caps and tote bags featuring...

Covid-19 policy changes

Tutoring Regrettably, all tutoring taking place at the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation offices and schools has been stopped until advised. This is immensely disappointing for our staff and students but it is necessary action to take until the threat of...