The Bank of Melbourne Neighbourhood Fund Advisory Committee recently approved a grant for our project entitled ‘Pathways – A catalytic communities program’.
The pathways program aims to boost the education and life opportunities for a minimum of 100 Indigenous students aged 10-18, within the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. To achieve this we will build a homework and tutorial club that will be well-resourced by our network of partners and volunteers, as well as our digital assets and mentoring team. The program will also be enhanced by monthly literacy and heritage camps, cultural exchanges and presentations from community leaders.
We see this project as a significant investment in these students’ lives, but further than this we see it as a long term investment in the community. By assisting these young students through schooling and into higher education and the workforce, we also assist their families and their community to achieve a higher level of prosperity and development.
We believe that through strong direct tutelage and mentoring the students will improve their literacy and numeracy skills, to become confident and competitive students.
Pictured above is ALF CEO, David Perrin, with Bank of Melbourne Collins Street Branch Manager, Richard McGlade.